Unable to post (padding characters added as demanded)

I had problems last night, posting an observation with a single photo. After clicking the confirmation tab, the post appeared to “hang”. The observation was visible on the carousel, but the window in which it was “hung” had to be closed incomplete. Steve Smailes reported that he could open the post, but not see the photo.
Today, I have tried posting an observation with 5 photos. Initially, this caused a crash, though it appeared to work on the second attempt. But I am unable to complete the observation: it demands a habitat, but will not produce the list to pick from:

Nor will it accept a typed entry into the field.

I re-tried, building the post bit by bit. Apart from the well-known glitch of refusing to accept the location (placing it at my home), it all worked.
The workaround for the location problem has been posted before - find the grid reference from another source, and paste it into the appropriate field.

Location problem - is there a way to disable the autofill of the location?
Working in the southern African community - I get an London autofill and then not even accurate for the locations I go to in London.

Hide and then unhide location still works for me.

I had the unable to post issue last night - gave up in the end.

It seems to be notional, rather than a specific fault (apart from the location issue) - but I don’t post too many these days, so I lack data.