Updated global dictionary for testing

We have put an updated version of the global dictionary on a test server. Anyone can help with checking this but it does need an additional login, previous testers already have this.

You may find it a bit odd e.g. when looking at the species dictionary as it has many ‘kingdoms’ of viruses and other somewhat strange things which we would normally tidy up before making live for testing but we were not able to do it in this case.

There are a couple of known issues, which are issues with the underlaying cataloge of life annual 2023 version, such as dragonflies and ladybirds (and a small number of other groups) being missing but in general it should have significantly better coverage of most groups than the existing version of global dictionary.

If you find issues or need the additional login then let me know via the ‘contact us’ button at the end of the page or email me directly.

The contact button didn’t work for me. I got a ‘whoops’.

Thanks for that, think you have my email anyway but will ask for the whoops to be looked into, the contact button does work on main ispot site, but it does not on the forum.