Using Lichen keys

I have posted some observations on using the lichen keys in ispot.
I welcome any feedback on the post.
Miked: in the key the Compare feature did not work for me on two different browsers.

Lichens on Trees using the iSpot Keys; a compilation.

Beginning with lichens using Lichens found on trees (v.0.6) (for beginners)

Beginning with lichens | Observation | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature

observed 8.3.21. Xanthoria sp. (This beginner’s key gives genus id only.)


A yellow lichen using the Foliose lichens of trees (v1.0) for experts.

observed 3.3.21. Xanthoria parietina.


Some observations on using the iSpot keys for lichens. Using Foliose lichens on trees (v. 1.0) for experts.

Some observations on using the iSpot keys for lichens. | Observation | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature

observed 1.3.21 Physcia adscendens.


Lichens on Trees Using the id keys using Lichens on trees (v. 1.5) (for experts)

observed 23.4.21. Ramalina fastigiata.


Common Crustose lichens on trees using Crustose lichens on trees (v. 1.0) (for experts)

observed 25.3.21 Lecidella elaeochroma

28.4.21. Following feedback I have added the id of each of these Using iSpot Lichen ID Keys posts.

MayDay 2021. I have posted another Using lichen keys for your delectation & delight. Lichens on trees Stage 2 | Observation | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature

May 11 2021. A foliose lichen, a bit more difficult so another stage 2.

May 27th. Just hoping that I can keep this initial ‘page’ open for edits.

I think I’ve tried the keys before, for my ZA lichens.
I’ve got the 2011 Dobson which I find very useful. then follow-up by browsing my favourite sites
Getting better all the time, I find.

That’s a new site for me, thanks, M. a quick trip to Brittany seems appropriate…
But plenty of overlap at least in S Britain I expect. Some happy reading for me.

Yes, I thought you’d enjoy that
Keep me posted, please.