Using near-ground leaf temperatures alters the projected climate change impacts on the historical range of a floristic biodiversity hotspot

@miked A bit beyond me but I think you may find this interesting, Mike.
I found it when looking for links to Agathosma capensis
Made me realise how important it is to share our observations and also the importance of correctly identifying species - they used “Occurrence data for plant species in the Cape floristic Region are freely available from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF; see:”

Yes very interesting paper. I was wondering how they got a 40 year run of data at leaf level but it is all modelled with just a small amount of measurements from a couple of years to check the models. I had actually done something a bit like this over 30 years ago with my bean work where I had a load of temperature sensors in little shaded units that I had built myself then put at leaf level (about 15 cm above ground) at several sites in UK and under a range of climate warming treatments.

Wow Mike - were you ahead of your time or are there others out there and we never hear about their work?

In the case of the bean work someone else had the original idea and I just took over and did the work. Actually I might still have been doing it if there had not been a misunderstanding. I thought the grant had finished so got the job here at OU but infact my boss had been looking for more money to keep me at the other research place and I think had found funding for me to continue there. So much of science is about chasing funding rather than getting on with discovering new things!

Yea - I know that from the days when I worked at UCT - thinking of those who were good at finding funding or getting their names in the press.