WATCH | Boomslang in a Christmas tree

On the first day of Christmas SA summer gave to me – a boomslang in a Christmas tree.

A Western Cape family had an unexpected guest hanging around in their Christmas tree on Friday

Needs subscription but I think I can get the video link on Youtibe
Sadly not available

Not the best Christmas surprise: one to drive you straight to the mulled wine!
I was interested to learn that this is one of very few venomous Colubrids (Grass Snake family). It was considered harmless for many years, until an American herpetologist died after being bitten; because of the perceived lack of risk, he ignored the bite. (

They have a lot at Stofbergsfontein and i’m told they go after the weaver nests. Lots of stories about snakes from the lagooners. Must double check before I quote

I liked the gentle way the catcher dealt with it and said it would be released.