- Pigeon
- Squirrel
I think you can actuall ‘build poll’ from the little cog wheel icon to set up your own voting system if you really wanted to!
I’ll give it a try!
(Padding characters added)
I am the first voter, not telling you my preference - ha!
I can reveal that I voted the same way as Derek (dejayM)!
Aww, you see, even though I’ve voted, I’m now feeling a bit sorry for the squirrel - no one (yet) is on its side - and I always have a soft spot for the underdog!
But I have whatever the opposite of a soft spot is for grey squirrels because of the harm they have done to the red ones - through no fault of their own, admittedly.
Suspect we need to identify which type of pigeon it is. If rock dove type then I might be on that side but if woodpigeon then might be on squirrel’s side - purely depending on the huge amount of damage done by wood pigeons to plants I have grown, squirrels also caused damage to plants and other things but not so much so far.
Ironically given how much damage squirrels cause in forestry and to certain trees in general, the main problem they have in garden is planting large numbers of turkish hazel trees all over. there is large turkish hazel in street 30m away and squirrels bring and bury them in every sq m of garden resulting in large numbers of seedlings. perhaps should go into business selling them.
To be fair IF we had a grey squirrel visiting the garden, that chased away all the rock doves, then I’d be a little more, shall we say, supportive.
However IF the squirrels came, even red ones, then there would be a Gov’t-backed programme to eradicate them. The Stoat eradication programme, will soon cost well over £6m and I still see them regularly. No-one dares mention the Feral cat problem of course
The control of small mammals is another of those proverbial cans of worms: I recall the outcry when hedgehogs became the subject of control attempts in the western isles. That was expensive, and possibly a waste of time (they’ve been found again on two supposedly cleared islands, and one for the first time on Barra). One wonders if guerilla animal-lovers are sneaking them back in?
The observation reminded me of the pelican that ate the pigeon in St James Park: Pelican vs. Pigeon - St. James Park - YouTube
That was funny.
It took a while to go down and then it still needed swilling down with some water to stop the wriggling.
I remember being amused reading about a Buddhist priest in Hong Kong whose favourite flowers were under constant attack by slugs and snails. As his religious beliefs didn’t allow him to kill them, he used to collect them in a basket and was rowed across to a small island where he emptied them out. Could the RSPA people not collect the stoats and move them in a remote spot in Caithness rather than killing them, they are such lovely creatures (as long as you don’t keep chickens!)?
That was tried and considered crueller than the Dead-traps they now use
Thanks for posting the links, the replies to the FAQs are particularly helpful.