An Arachnid of some sort, maybe? Or am I on the wrong track altogether?
Ah: no, I think not. I’ve another idea, but I’ll see if anyone else shares it.
no not an archnid. it would be a strange one if it was though cause most arachnids dont have tails. at the moment its head and tail are cut off and it would be a very diffuclt situation to end up in. my second comment has a few clues just not very obvious ones.
it will be interesting to see if they do
It looks furry to me. Is it a rodent?
nope its perched on a leaf and its got wings
A dragon fly with the head behind the leaf and the abdomen off to the right.
That was my second thought. Sympetrum of sorts.
Yes, that looks plausible. Black legs suggests Ruddy Darter.
black legs arnt allways very reliable but to be fair other features like head, tail and abit of the thorax as an example were covered so there was only few things to rely on. but both all 3 of you were correct though
I certainly got off to a ropy start!
sorry but I couldnt help myself. I I can definatly understand the amount of ropes you had to go through to get there since you certainly got off to such a ropey start
I was just being humourous. I have a vivid imaganation and cause im a literal thinker I sometimes joke about things that people have said like for instance if someone were to say put a sock in it a image of a sock would apear in my head so I might find it funny
weather I understand a phrase that can be taken literaly or not depends on how close the phrase is to the actual meaning and if someone were to tell me what it means weather I understand
or not depends on how close the word is to the actual meaning aswell
but even if I know what a phrase means because I get images from words people use no matter what the word is I have whats called literal humor I can find literal words humorous cause of the literal images and even videos in my head that I get from literal words, sentences, phrases etc so if someone were to say rope naturaly a image of a rope will apear in my head cause rope means a rope as far as I know at least and depending on the context i might have a image or a video playing of someone crossing a bridge with ropes to hold onto or ropes dangling from trees. if someone said bird a image of a bird perched or flying would apear or if someone said mammel a mammel so this goes for any object, theme or topic. I have other types of humor too though
il find another Wildlife guess who game
It reminds me of someone talking to a robot. They said, ‘give me a hand’ and the robot did exactly that!
It happens to humans, too. Many years ago, a Court Clerk casually asked a caretaker to “take the bolt off” a cell door. Turned out he was of a very literal turn of mind…
Iv found an even harder one for everyone.
a Spider
guess what it is
il reveal the answer and picture abouve if you get it right
remember its meant to be a hard one so iv only done the fromt and side and not its back if you need any clues il give you clues but its not a house Spider its a different species and only I know what it is until someone guesess it right
My knowledge of spiders is woeful: I’m guessing that those large palps are significant?