Wildlife Trusts Top 10 for September - but what will iSpot's be?

Berks, Bucks and Oxfordshire’s Top 10 to look out for in September… So what are your predictions for iSpot’s Top Ten?

Well, I’d like to see a seaweed in the top ten, but the reality is that the Robin at 984 posts in total will be first and the blackbird at 940 will probably beat all the seaweed posts put together this autumn.

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Actually I have not noticed so many common garden birds recently but when there are less other things around then perhaps the birds will take over again.

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Maybe we could have a Most Unusual Finds Top Ten too?

Like most things here, this fell flat. It would take so little time, can be so rewarding and might lift iSpot from the small gloom-of-the-day. Trump that!