@JoC @dejayM @miked @Luisa
Could you differentiate these Asparagus species from the printed description in Cape Plants?
retrofractus L. Scrambling spiny shrub to 3 m, stems grey and ribbed when young, with spreading spines. Cladodes in feathery fascicles, filiform. Flowers 2–7 in axils, tepals and fiament spreading
lignosus Burm.f. Spiny shrublet to 80 cm, stems spreading to erect, pale, striate. Cladodes terete,
in fascicles. Flowers 1–4 in axils.
Looking back I had it all wrong - wondering of AI would have figured it out.
The BOLUS specimens got me even further confused
Fortunately I still have the West Coast Guode and had used it to identify my Stofbergsfontein finds.
With the description of the flowers it all falls into line
I’m thrilled with two observations from Cape Point - could they warrant AGREEMENTS?
Resprouting after a fire - looks very different
Wondering if AI would agree?