Yuletide Gremlins?

See my comment above. With what sounds like the same problem, clearing just the iSpot cookies lets me back in immediately

I’ve just looked at this post and was able to see all the photos.

I tried another browser and it is all right.
It is the quirky site software making fire fox have a hissy fit.

Almost unusable this morning. It was only a fit of bloody-minded stubborn-ness that kept me trying to add a comment to a recent post. In which time, my coffee went cold. There is no greater crime, Gremlins!

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Later the same day:

But I hadn’t tried to log out…

Am I misinterpreting the screen shot, or does it think that you’re logged in as dejayM?

I’m assuming it thinks I was logged in as me. But I don’t pretend to understand this any more.

If you are logged in as dejayM then that is worrying, if it is just an issue with a particular image used in the post then that is not a worry. Perhaps we should have a chat about this offline if you contact me via the contact us button.

I’ll try to recreate the problem, and I’ll contact you if I can find out a bit more.

Don’t fret Mike, it is a screen print from Yuletide Gremlins? - #18 by dejayM
I don’t mind, would anyone like my password, it could give you hours of BOREDOM!

I am having a terrible time with iSpot at the moment: error 500 after a period of whirling things, have tried on two quite separate occasions to add an innocent obs of Trentepohlia but both times it has ended in the whirling thing… once photo upload would not work, second time the last button to add observation resulted in a whirling blue thing.
Can’t get logged out sometimes, couldn’t get in to the Forum… sigh

Similar failures on desktop, iPads and phone. Did add an obs yesterday pm using phone while waiting for a bus, though!! These failures are only happening with iSpot, all other normal activities on desktop or iPads or phone are fine. Sometimes it seems like the first things I do in iSpot are okay, then after that it fails.

It seems entirely notional.
MikeD sent me a list of numerous recent observations where no habitat was entered. First off, this puzzled/worried me. I seem to recall debating the right habitat on one or two of them: did I then fail to choose any? Is there a Gremlin trap that discards a habitat pick if a particular procedure isn’t followed? Or is this further evidence of my becoming “hard of thinking” with age (one reason I’ve stopped adding IDs/agreements, except occasionally)?
But, it seemed a fairly quick fix - a few seconds for each one.
Nah. The Gremlins decided to have a bit of fun. iSpot slowed to a crawl, and after half-a-dozen, it fell over.
What seems to help: shut down the browser and re-open it before trying to do any iSpotting. This is annoying if I’m (say) halfway through a BBC Sounds program: because I’ve set up Firefox to clear data on exit, so my “position” in the 'cast gets lost. Don’t try to do aught else but iSpot in that window.
To rub my nose in it; when I got back in, the Gremlins absolutely flew about their tasks: opening pages almost before I’d clicked on the links.

you might have guessed I had a hand in the No-Habitat collection, which is well over 5 thousand observations. we have been working on it for months.
It may well cause some distress because it is not easy be as precise as you’d like and some users have well over 1Thousand!
The next Focus is ABOUT Habitats, so watch that space (please)
On the ‘Clog’ problem I suspect that not everyone is having it. But sometimes I can browse for ages without the ‘Clog’ and then, quite often, for only a few minutes
I now always work with TWO occurrences of iSpot open (useless for phone users) When ‘Clog’ comes, I CLEAR my Browser History, which logs me out. I then log in again and both occurrences are free of Clog, but sometimes only briefly. I am getting used to it. But it’s a real nuisance.
Are we hearing from Phone users? Are they suffering ‘Clog’ too?

Look on the web for your browser and ‘how to clear browser history’.
That will log you out.
I have a short cut - I Log in again (and again)

Having pontificated on how to get round the Hanging problem, I encountered it again just now, trying to log on in a newly-opened Firefox session, A few moments later, it happened again, trying to open the observations map for :eight_spoked_asterisk:REMEMBER?:eight_spoked_asterisk: In fact, map views generally don’t work at the moment:

It all drives me crazy, none of this (pic from Derek, thanks for your kind response) looks even vaguely familiar. Desktop is Big Mac, but this whirling thing, failure and 500 error happens on the iPads and phone as well. Those small devices are so useful for a spell of reviewing the obs of others with a cuppa, adding whatever I can add. This morning I’ve spent far too long doing that, just my phone, too long because there have been no hang ups, failures to…. or 500 errors!!!:slight_smile: I should be pleased but am annoyed. I’m not without the odd bit of knowledge but emptying caches, removing cookies clearing browser history and all that is not familiar at all, can you even do it in your iPhone or iPad? And why should I have to?
Anyway, got into the forum, obvs, to get this said and to thank others for replies, first time in several attempts to get in here of late. So that’s something.

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I have another comparatively minor issue. It has suddenly decided that I live in Shenstone; and every obs I make starts off with the marker in that place. (I think it’s near Leeds?) Irritating but hardly catastrophic compared with all the 500s others are getting.
CORRECTION Shenstone is near the M6 toll, as I’m sure most of you already knew.

One of the more blatant examples of the unhappy union between iSpot and Google Maps. The only way I can get a “correct” location to “take” is to paste in a grid reference from another site (usually http://gridreferencefinder.com/). Any attempt to choose my own (moving it on the map, free-typing it) will result in an error. In my case, typically by relocating it to where Google thinks I live - some couple of hundred metres off course, nowhere near as impressive as your example.

Good point. I know my GR so I could just type that in.

But don’t trust it!
(Plus padding characters - iSpot does not hold with the notion that “brevity is the soul of wit”.)

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