A Wild trip out with my family for the day

I can’t believe there’s so many mining bees at the brook. And it makes me wonder how many people are aware of the existence of mining bees most people are only aware of the existence of honey bees bumblebees wasps and hornets. As for hoverflys some people who don’t know about hoverflys or how to recognise one can mistaken them for what there mimicking but I know how to tell the difference between bumblebees honey bees and common wasp and how to identify a hoverfly so I don’t mistaken hoverflys for them. most people around me do though so they ask what it is I end up having to say er that’s a hoverfly. Then people usually go is it? And I say yes can you see it’s hovering in one place or hovering backwards and things thats a hoverfly that’s why there called hoverflys. And I still have to remind them occasionally and they used to not be able to tell the difference between a honey bee, bumblebee and common wasp And cause wasps still have a un deserved bad reputation most people don’t realise they are also pollinators and like most wildlife they also wernt aware bumblebees only sting if threatened and don’t sting for no reason so wernt very welcoming of bumblebees if they showed up indoors including at home but they have learned from me that There ok and we need bumblebees so instead of trying to swat It or trying to get it out they realise it’s just tired or got in by acident so help it get out or let me give it sugary soloution and wait until it has enough energy to fly out or bring it outside give it to the Bumblebee and wait for it to fly off again So there attitude has changed towards bumblebees but still ask what’s the difference between a honey bee, bumblebee and wasp and have to exsplain it to them of which they find it interesting so I wouldn’t be surprised if some people mistakened any mining bees for honey bees at Daniels brook

Male bumble bees are easily passed off as honey bees too.
Back in 2016 I homed in on a male bumble bee due to the amount of noise it was making.

Common stinging wasps get there bad reputation later in the summer after the brood of queens have flown the nest. They just get bored and start pestering people to swat them.

I’m sure you are right. Most people would be amazed to learn how many types of bees and wasps there are in the UK. Bees tend not to be aggressive. And, fortunately, hornets are less aggressive than common wasps. Hoverflies are, of course, completely harmless!

You might be interested to find that when they abou people in summer it’s not just cause they get bored but another reason



Its interesting that the flower bee can also be mistakened for honey bees. for me I don’t think they look like honey bees. flower bees arent considered bumblebees though there a type of solitary bee. I don’t know if some species of bumblebees (bombus) get mistakened for honey bees not all of them are very big some species like early bumblebee tend to be small. bumblebees are usually known for being big fat and fluffy but males tend to be more hairy messy or fluffy than the females and females tend to be bigger than the males and then there’s the roles they have that afects how big they are queens are bigger than workers. And people usually exspect bumblebees to be big and fluffy I think the ones that would get mistaken for honey bees more often are probably solitary bees but that doesn’t mean there isn’t people out there that might mistaken a species of bumblebee for a honey bee or something else

I went to Rodbrough common today

Green winged orchid

Early purple orchid

A white varient of the early purple orchid

That’s all for my trip to Rodbrough common it wasn’t very sunny but there was lots of these orchids at Rodbrough common. Last year I saw lots at a common called edge and saw early purple orchid and greater spotted orchid and purimidial orchid last year but iv havnt looked for orchids at Robrough common before and I havnt seen a green winged orchid and a white varient of early purple orchid or milkwort before so iv seen some orchids I havnt seen before aswell which is very exiteing. I like discovering new species

Im going away with my family this weekend we will be going to the coast if we don’t go to the coast we will be going to pooll there we were going to go to Brownsea island but it’s closed cause of the king stuff so we will be going somewhere else in the south

Suspect king stuff will affect lots of peoples plans. I tend not to mention where I will be going on ispot beforehand partly because I often change my mind at the last moment due to the weather or other factors. The white variant of green winged orchid looks interesting, I have seen these as well, I tend to think white versions of purple plants are more common than white versions of other colour flowers don’t know if that is right or not though.

Sorry for the late reply. I went home for the night at 10:30 in the morning on Friday and then we went on holiday on Saturday. I stayed for the night in Dorset. I didn’t go to brown sea island cause Mum found out they wernt open cause of the coronation so we went somewhere else down south

Othe next day we went to Dorset we went to see a family member and went for a walk across the beach

I was very exited about the next place Im going to after Upton country park so I drew the rare sand lizard and talked about it a lot and found it hard to sleep but I did eventually Then we went to Upton Country park

Mateing dock beetles

Then later we went to Blue pool nature reserve there was a big pool of water and had benches I went to have a look and saw some kids asking why there’s bugs everywhere where trying to squash them When I knelt down one of the ants felt the squashed one with its antennae then started panicking and went off. I moved the dead ant away so other kids arnt encouraged. some wood ants and watched them some of them did interesting things aswell

They had lots of gorse

I filmed some ants carrying peices of wood and then I had lunch on the bench after lunch we went to the gift shop to see if they got something to replace something I lost but the shop person said they didn’t have one then we went for a walk on the trails

It took 2 to 3 hours to get back my Dad acidently left something at the house in Hucclecote so had to pick it up when we arived there was a magpie watching on the fence and then Dad dropped me back so I came back yesterday evening

I wasn’t able to send any videos cause I hadn’t downloaded them to you tube yet
But heres some videos from the holiday


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The newts and the deer were my favourite part of the holiday. It was very sunny and it was warm I wasn’t as keen on the country park Blue pool was my favourite trip on holiday the country park was more about the flowers and insects but they do have activities people can do. but at Blue pool nature reserve children could do woodland trails and see if they can spot certain birds and things like squirrels and one of the family members I met up with at the beach I went on the trips with had a child so she could look out for them while I looked for the sand lizard and Sika deer and other wildlife and took lots of pictures. Interestingly there website says what wildlife you can spot but doesn’t say anything about the newts so I didn’t know they had newts until I went

I went to see my family last Friday in the morning. And took pictures in the garden next day we went to Dorset and we went to see a family member and went for a walk across the beach i took a lot of photos mainly of the beach or the sea and took action shots of the waves. I was very exited about looking at the rocks and I used my magnifying glass on seaweed and other things like insects running along the rock. And I tryed to get a picture from behind the rocks with water behind it but knelt down so that the photo gave the impression of a river of which it probably does look a lot bigger to other organisms than to us. I love the beach.

After the Beach I went to a hotel and un packed my things when we had tea I drew a picture of a sand lizard cause I was very exited. In the evening when Mum and dad put the tv on the coronation was on it was on repeat everywhere tv wise. I was so exited About the trips I couldn’t sleep properly.

I did some research into blue pool one of the places I was going to go to after the first trip we went to Upton Country park and walked around and looked at things there was some birds but mainly blackbird and Robin there wasn’t really anything at the hide cause its mainly for Autumn and winter migratory birds more than migratory birds all year. And there was lots of flowers and bees and insects they had a nest for mason bees it was nice but there wasn’t as much diversity of wildlife while I was there as the next place I went to.

Depending on which part of Dorset you visit there are of course fossils as well. It is quite easy to get addicted to looking for fossils so would not suggest you hunt for them specifically but it can be intersting to know what it is if you happen to find one. I went to a beach a bit further along the coast and there were lots of shells, some were modern ones and some were fossils.