Yep, happens in Global as well; Chile and Hong Kong refuse to load up Recents (only Global help please); UK is WORSE 404 errors or at least one Ob. removed. Either the ‘guys’ are working on the site or it’s suffocating whilst Admins SLEEP…
If I click on a Britain & Ireland thumbnail I get a 404 message. If I click on a Global one I get something strange from Africa: I clicked on a toadstool and got a Handsome Prince (nice frog but definitely not the same observation), clicked on a flower and got a gecko licking its eyeball.
you mean, instead of mouse-wheel-click = open in a new tab, you click to open an intermediate window and then you click to open the observatoin?
What a pain!!! I wanto to mouse-wheel-click and open itimmediately in another tab like you do with the carousel. Why not? why if you try it does iSpot load the entire gallery page again!!! INFURIATING not bl@@&y annoying!!!
Yes, there is lots of code that runs before the page is even loading: bizarre - esp. after we asked them for an efficient system for our slow rural southern African lines.
There approach seems to have been to make the pictures bigger and the content more convoluted, and then back it up on the cloud. Except that the cloud just reports that iSpot is down and gives as a “cloud error”.
Interesting on most cases (about 80%) the southern African carousels load up the picture two along, rather than give the 404 error.
I wonder how long it will take the programmers to figure this out. Clearly the site is beyond their capabilities. They have only debugged about 5% of the bugs in 3 months. Pathetic.
this is in a different community (had it been in the same community then this - wrong - observation would have loaded instead of giving the 404 error)
and the coding is two numbers earlier: this is this bug! But the programmers seem unable to figure this out.
but it is giving the correct alias for what it should be looking up (i.e. it is giving the wrong community address but the correct title).
BUT OH: THIS NEW SITE IS SO SLOW: just finding your observations and loading them via the LIST OBSERVATIONS UK OR GLOBAL takes forever!!! SO FRUSTRATING! Over 16-22 seconds for the pages to load - without pictures - these take longer! … And I had to get to page 9 to obtain these observations.
This site is not just bug ridden. It is plodding bug ridden …
Who is responsible for the entire site cock up?
Possibly related; if I try to filter the carousel by group it hangs. (I haven’t been patient enough to see whether it eventually redisplays the carousel).
3 days to discover this aspect of the bug. Is no one using the site anymore???
or have users just given up: “the site is so buggy, why bother reporting - no one does anything anyway?”
Yes it does eventually load (in both communities): just takes forever.
that adding 2 to the url number and removing the title will get you to the correct observation
that the observation that actually loads is 2 along in the global carousel, not in the filtered carousel, and if it is from a different community you will get a 404 error)
Sorry: yes - perhaps I should have stated this. I have been doing this since Monday. But you cannot use it in GLOBAL community, only in one of the local communities.
So it will often fail on the Help confirm global observations, unless you can work out the community as well.
List takes too long, and Gallery has that stupid intermediary window.
And clicking the icons is quicker than have to set up the filter, even though it does take forever (compared to very fast in the good old days).
Having to wait for the pictures to load in the List View only after you go to that part of the list really p!$$#$ me off.