Error 500 + non-responsive website report log

See above. Cleared cookies. Logged in again. Successfully visited 18 observations. 19th (Another Primrose In A Wall | Observation | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature) hung for a while then as above at around 1855 UTC

I had another one yesterday.


The above gateway time-out was due to many of the science and technology systems at the OU being down for several hours. A bit of switching software or hardware failed or something. One of the computing people will provide a proper explanation later I expect but basically it was not only ispot that was hit with this. The issue was identified quite quickly I think but took some time to get everything back online.

22:50 GMT -3 iPhone 12. I was trying to open the Wagtail obs highlighted in another Forum thread when it hung up - observation display was only partially present, no photos. Weekly ❤️iFocus The 500 message appeared quite quickly after that. Prior to that I’d visited a couple of obs.

14 Feb 2025 at 08:43

Windows 10, Firefox
List view of observations, following adding an observation of my own.
Preliminary to this, iSpot had been reluctant to show photos, presenting the “taxon group logos” instead.
Updated: problem persisting at 09:57, same day.
Further: still happening at 12:30. But I discover I can access the “gallery” view. Weird.

I’ve had issues like this particular one when there were issues with network speed, either on ispot itself or my ISP.

My computer decided to update amongst all the chaos - and then nothing worked - I’m never advised in advance - all been rather disconcerting.

1225 GMT; MS Edge; Windows 11; error 500 on opening

18:00 16/02
while opening ab observation from the home page.

2025-02-18 1215UTC. Trying to open changes tracker. “No changes” message. Re-tried. Error 500. Deleted iSpot cookies. Tried again: success.

C 1500 hrs GMT -3. Safari on iPad
Unresponsive when trying to view an observation, an ‘other obs.’ Had just added an observation of my own. Tried to log out, got spinning thing and no view of the obs Then Failure to Log Out appeared.

An odd one, it may not belong here.
My changes tracker on 19 February 2025 at about 16:50 showed a change to an observation of a Dark Bush Cricket. Mike Dodds had revised the ID to link with the database (though I could see no difference between the two panels).
I managed to remove my agreement to the first ID, but iSpot would not let me agree to the revision. The spinner spun, and spun.
I then tried to add a comment: same problem.
So I logged out and shut down Firefox. Restarted, my changes tracker no longer showed any reference to the observation: being an idiot who ought to know better by now, I had not copied the address. So now I can’t find it.

Interesting I had an issue with that exact same page today, it again crashed with spinner and not doing anything whereas yesterday it was fine.

Thanks for the link: I have now managed to shift the agreement.

Actually you have n’t and it may have been my fault as i was trying to get things to work but it may have grabbed my reputation on the wrong id when it crashed even though I removed it again.

It so often takes two to shift the Likely, which I’ve now made happen :slight_smile:

Thursday pm - same-old, same old… Stopped working in the middle of a post - waited and put my computer on Hibernate - was able to continue successfully this morning.
This was the post

Stalled at Identifications and tags

14:42 21/02 2025.
Froze up with the blue timer after clicking on an observation from the home page.

c 1210; Error 500 on opening from Ambroise Baker’s activity tracker.

Added one observation OK, froze when trying to add a second.

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