June 2019 marks TEN years of iSpot


Chris Packham video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQIWT1AIeLE
And Jon Rosewell explains a little more about the functionality of iSpot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYH8dQr4Lig

Who has an early-days anecdote or ‘entertaining’ Historical information?
Please share something here - please?
Observation number 1 (significantly a failed Panel!)

The iSpot BREXIT in 2013 - read Comments here

Thanks very much for that.
If you find broken links or indeed the missing videos etc then please give the link (the ispot url) that is broken as I can fix some of them although not all.

have sorted out Jonathan’s video but not yet found Packham and Jon’s video pages

I think it would be a pity f we added Broken links to this Thread.
Please use BROKEN LINKS thread here BROKEN LINKS in Admin Pages or Site Structure

A pity this has attracted so little attention. In my case, any anecdotes would probably refer to failures to spot the bleedin’ obvious, downright errors, and similar embarrassments.
I’ll take a moment, though, to remember lost contributors who are sorely missed. Has anyone tried a collection e-mail invitation for them to consider returning, I wonder?

well… are you bleedin’ psychic? I submitted 3 (I know who you were) names to the iSpot Commander earlier today with a suggestion to email them out of hibernation.

Our birthday is nearly finished (perhaps it has) - is there any cake?

We did have a cake when launching treezilla but as far as I recall not for iSpot

I guess this may be an historical moment, it is for me - and hope we/I can do something with it - any suggestions from the team? (the dictionary is the main problem here)
John Manning has visited iSpot today,
This is his publication on Massonia: http://massonia.nl/documents/massonia%202018%20manning.pdf
So many Massonis observations were lost because of the weighting of the individuals who agreed to or gave the incorrect IDs.
Two that have been seen by JM today - there may be more.
Massonia pseudoechinata Massonia echinata Nieuwoudtville | Observation | Southern Africa | iSpot Nature
Massonia longipes
Massonia | Observation | Southern Africa | iSpot Nature
Best of all
Massonia confusa (or, how Mo became depressed) | Observation | Southern Africa | iSpot Nature
Massonia longipes
28 June 2019 - 9:47AM John Manning
South African National Biodiversity Institute
Indigenous Bulb Association of South Africa
Confidence I’m as sure as I can be.
Notes M. longipes was long confused with M. pustulata but the matter has been resolved. For a recent account of the CFR species see: MANNING, J.C. 2018 [‘2019’]. The genus Massonia Thunb. ex Houtt. (Hyacinthaceae: Scilloideae) in the Core Cape Region. South African Journal of Botany 121: 329–354.
Thanks to John Manning for this.

Hi deejayM, all

Thanks so much for starting this thread and for sharing so far, the short answer is yes there will be cake, albeit a little belated, plus 12 months of celebrations / acknowledgement! See my update here: https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/view/news/784786/celebrating-10-years-of-ispot-and-its-basically-thanks-to-you.



An Historically interesting Observations with two apparently similar IDs. One in Global and another in UK&!