MORE gremlins (March 2023)

something of a mystery tour this evening - disappeared with a refrseh

Yes, that’s a timing issue - the template to build the page has loaded but for some reason its not grabbed the translation of the text. Harmless but rather cryptic. Hopefully when the web side of iSpot is rebuilt, that will be a thing of the past.

I’m being unobservant again

I know that the sidebar (including the map) are hidden when I contribute to a post (e.g. a comment). But didn’t it then reappear after finishing (and the subsequent screen ‘refresh’)? It doesn’t seem to, now.

A full page refresh - as happens when you post a comment - should trigger the map to re-appear. Having said that, I’m just trying adding a comment now and the right-side column hasn’t changed - maybe it depends on the width of the browser window?

I suspect you might think this has been fixed (Amadan’s issue is different) @Chris_Valentine
I add a reply to a comment; some way through it, I may wish to check the location - it’s not there.
I can copy the URL and open a new Tab but that is boring
Refreshing removes my comment, so I could copy the comment, then refresh, then begin again
I may well be the only one affected by this small issue

ISpot currently incredibly slow to load at moment for me.

There were two big outages yesterday but the site recovered on its own. Not a problem with iSpot itself - I put it down to “external influences”.

Having put the code for the right column back to how it was, any change to the URL (such as #new appearing on the end) will make the code thing you’ve gone to a different page and hide the map. I’m afraid I can’t think of a way around this because if I change the “blanking” code again, if you go to another observation you end up with another place marker on the map, and so on.

OK, you can only try y’r best and it’s good enogh for me

Still finding that the association options are not appearing.
See, for example,
I’m only offered ‘associated with’. When I click on ‘choose options’, I’m not given any options.

the site’s been crashing a lot in recent days
I always seem to be the causer

It’s down just now 3:15 29th and was earlier and yesterday

There are more works planned on the site in the coming weeks that may or may not help with this issue. Will put up notice nearer to the time as whole site will have to go down for several hours, if not longer, I suspect.

No Derek, sometimes it’s me crashing it! Agree prone to crashes and getting hung up in last day or so. I couldn’t log out !

I have also had at least one of the 500 - Internal Errors.

I’ve noticed that when my own rather old pc is doing updates it slows absolutely everything down and iSpot then struggles for me and I get errors. It’s not the only site affected. My solution is invariably to swear at it, make a cup of tea and close the internet until it’s sorted itself out.

I switched from Chrome and Firefox as browsers to MS Edge, which is a lighter weight browser; at the end of a day Chrome and Firefox would grind my PC to a halt thrashing the page file. (You can nominally run Windows 10 with 4GB of RAM, but it’s not ideal.)

A web search for lightweight browser will offer other alternatives.

Loading the changes tracker is painfully slow this morning.

Same here.
I just gave up waiting.

I am pretty certain it is filtering that crashes the site. Changes tracking puts a lot of pressure on the server.
Best to stick to observing and agreeing I suppose; even then,

It now seems particularly reluctant to load images when I view an observation (for some time now, they haven’t usually shown up on the home screen). This doesn’t seem related to the number of photos in the post.
Possibly my imagination, but interacting (e.g. clicking full screen for an image) can sometimes ‘wake it up’.
My Changes Tracker remains distinctly sulky, too. The site is clearly struggling at the moment.