No need to acknowledge here as the Post, not the Forum, is the place. Can we try? Note that if you put a Carriage return (Enter) before or after the link it shows the link picture (unnecessary?)
It would be best to subscribe to email notification (set Tracking) in this Thread.
This can only apply to those who subscribe to the Forum
You would only need to look for your own name @dejayM
two more days to tracking on iSpot?
oi veh: I hope that the programmers have not messed up again. But we really need an UNREAD which they have not provided. This rewrite is a serious downgrade of iSpot!!
Hoping and praying that something useful will emerge …
@Tony_Rebelo Test Post (Habitat)
@Tony_Rebelo Heavy Edit. Illegal Chrs added to pics
@Chris_Wahlberg - further plea in
Please try again after this mornings update
@Tony_Rebelo Community Bad Code Error recreated (and worsened)
replied … filling up space
@Tony_Rebelo stuff in
ta: but you misunderstood. Hiding a locality is ticking the “hide a locality” box. Not that the locality is missing. Commented there
@Tony_Rebelo Community Grab Error tested
@Tony_Rebelo @miked Community Grab Error cured?
@Tony_Rebelo Intend DELETION Friday 15th -
for Magda -
After being the bearer of bad news earlier this week, I hope to be the bearer of good news this time!
I stumbled onto another comment, this time on 1 of my own observations, by vthompson (Vinton Thompson)
I really hope Changes will be back soon.
@miked Your item is posted in the Chilean Community Oh I see across all communities that’s fine, sorry
But this does raise the issue: if you follow my url you end up in the wrong community. So that if I then click the home page from yours I am in the Chilean community and not in the southern African community.
What happens if I dont notice and then post an ID or an observation: will it end up in the wrong community???
These news items should be in a directory that does not surreptitiously change the community. Only us seasoned users will detect this and then not be confused when the Latest Observations seem all weird, or the filters give insane observations …
Bad design!
it is back now. hope you enjoy it!
@Jo_Parmenter Blessings
which should take you to the last comment but doesn’t (#cid-448923 @Tony_Rebelo Bad Code Error))
This thread could now be Closed