Some favourites

Another gorgeous Observation (preview removed)
My Day Favourite now. No agreement no comments.
Please always lokm througha few Other Obs when you agree to one.

Attention to detail. Visual breakdown of a Key. Close photos. From a risen star! (preview removed)

Lovely beastie, great photos, witty title and notes.

And another: a good day on iSpot:

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Super shots of Barrel Jellyfish and habitat.

Great photos: can’t help but anthropomorphise that first one: “you looking at me, sonny?”
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Created with an invalid ID panel in 2010, lost for years, rescued from the UI Inverts Project and added to the Ichneumonidae Collection in 2010, found and commented on AND triggered a response from the post’s author. Success!

THINGS are really looking UP with the ichneumonidae
Spend a few moments reading AldC’s Text and be impressed (previews removed)
The longer term consequence is that Malcolm Storey and the NHM team of Gavin Broad & Jaswinder boparai are onboard.
Master Project

A delightful observation from the past. It really needs some input (preview removed)

Excellence in photography (micro-photography) and personal tagging - click pollen to see more (preview retained)

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Try to look at the photo and not shiver…

MORE good work by Barbara (Spot)

Check out some of her others - largely unremarked

Yet another ‘complete’ Observation by Ben

This is just great!

Text has a tone and style that draws you in, it’s engaging. As well as knowledgable and interesting.

Edited to see if I understood the explanation from Derek below and to include image.


How do I do what you have done above, ie include an image? Apologies for ignorance/tech blindness/age etc etc

It needs to be on a line of its own

to remove the image and leave the link just have it within text as you have done. To remove the image later, to save space here (within 28 days), cut it back, via edit to
useful when you wish to link several together

Thanks! Another thing learned.

The cutest observation including a must see video clip. From Miked’s Sounds & Video thread.

Yes, how extraordinary!

Shows that you don’t necessarily need a whole live subject to create a really good post.