Some plants are really smart

Continuing the discussion from Plants are weird:

Did you know: A report published in Science in 2006 demonstrated that dodder use airborne volatile organic compound cues to locate their host plants?
@JoC @lavateraguy @Amadan @dejayM @mags49
When hoping to find out more about Cuscuta nitida

I found more than expected from Wikipedia:
Although dodder germination can occur without a host, it has to reach a green plant quickly and is adapted to grow towards the nearby plants by following chemosensory clues. If a plant is not reached within 5 to 10 days of germination, the dodder seedling will die.

A 2-minute listen Devious Dodder Vine Sniffs Out Its Victims .

Intersting 2 minute listen, though the analogy between vampires and dodder seems a bit strange. I wondered if all Cuscuta species do this
Wikipedia was silent on that but the article mentions the research & has some photos of a dodder species (un named) covering trees. I’ve only seen it at Studland Heath, UK and in the Alpes where it’s often on heather.

Now another interesting story has cropped up

The Elizabeth Linnaeus phenomenon

Das Elisabeth LinnĂ©-PhĂ€nomen, or the Elizabeth LinnĂŠus Phenomenon, is the name given to the phenomenon of “flashing flowers”. Especially at dusk, the orange flowers may appear to emit small “flashes”. Once believed to be an electrical phenomenon, it is today thought to be an optical reaction in the human eye caused by the contrast between the orange flowers and the surrounding green. The phenomenon is named after Elisabeth Christina von LinnĂ©), one of Carl Linnaeus’s daughters, who discovered it at age 19

You may not have seen plants flashing but Wordsworth claims he did. Well, Wikipedia claims he did. Elisabeth Christina von Linné - Wikipedia

The poets William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge read Darwin’s accounts early in their careers and, influenced by these accounts, they referred to flashing flowers in their poems, Wordsworth in “I wandered lonely as a cloud” also called “Daffodils” (‘They flash upon that inward eye’) and Coleridge in his “Lines Written At Shurton Bars
” (‘Flashes the golden-coloured flower / A fair electric flame’). Thus Elizabeth Linnaeus came, through Darwin, to influence the pioneers of English Romantic poetry.

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So many interesting people to read about
My latest (thanks to JoC) Daniel Solander - Wikipedia

He is buried in the Swedish Sector of Brookwood Cemetery, of which Wikipedia says: ;

"Brookwood originally was accessible by rail from a special station – the London Necropolis railway station – next to Waterloo station in Central London. Trains had passenger carriages reserved for different classes and other carriages for coffins (also for different classes), and ran into the cemetery on a dedicated branch from the adjoining South West Main Line – there was a junction just to the west of Brookwood station. From there, passengers and coffins were transported by horse-drawn vehicles.

Third class coffin ticket, issued between April–September 1925.[12]

Return tickets were issued for mourners and single tickets for the dead"
That seems fair enough. .

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@JoC Reminder - buzz pollination
I posted this today

You should be able to see that the pollen has been released from the close up of the tips of the anthers.
What I didn’t know :
Pollen contains a substantial amount of protein compared to nectar, the sugary liquid the majority of plants produce as a reward for their animal pollinators. Bees eat pollen as well as make a paste with it to feed their larvae. The pollen paste is then sealed into the nest to create a reserve for the young bees,
Lots more interesting stuff following.

Buzz Pollination; what can I say - everyday iSpot throws up another amazing aspect of the natural world. This at the end of the Wikipedia link, I liked:

Alternative means of pollination

Greenhouse grown tomatoes are unproductive without aid in pollination. Traditionally, pollination has been done by shaking using electric vibrators (one brand name was “Electric Bee”), however, it has been found to be less expensive in human labor and plant breakage to use bumblebees within the greenhouses. Home growers and amateurs can be seen on YouTube using electric toothbrushes to pollinate their flowers.[13]

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I may be the only one who clicks the Greenhouse link - silly me.

No we grow tomatoes from seed, just for fun, at a window, and were/are never quite sure what we did/should do to be sure of getting fruit.
PS look out for my latest ‘Grass’ post (so glad that I took the pic.) linking to the voyage of the HMS Herold.
Just the one shot (apart from the view) - wondering if you can spot the broken sea-shells that make up the substrate, also the broken shells in the area of the shoreline.