I have an idea - will you help?
I have started a GLOBAL BASED project called the unidentifiables.
NOT the difficult ones but maybe the humerus ones, the impossible ones, the unlikely ones, the downright interesting ones - you choose, I decide as it’s my project!
Super-powers Amdwn- NoK-cells like that are still cooler than Smarties JoP - You and the other Jo fit that description well (EPS-Ps)
Com’on now, suggest some posts for inclusion - the Jedi-Curator is interested
Orange Quercus perhaps or an Unidentifiable. Anyone? (I ignored the Forum Brain’s “Rather than several replies to a topic in a row, please consider a single reply that includes quotes from previous posts or @name references.”)
There are potentially 12 Obs already earmarked for this Project. Only Miked can add the magic tag to others’s posts so I am waiting for his return. I am looking for more NOMINATIONS and for this The spectacular which is not yet a Project but a Thread