Weekly ❤️iFocus

Have you missed the challenge here

Christmas Day Record Broken.
WATCH for the New Year’s Day Challenge

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six twitchers twitching?

Missed? No. But the weather here had other ideas.

Do I see a one-day iBlitz before me? You will soon. Look out for info about the

:diamonds:Ne’erday iBlitz 2023

Appearing soon in a sidebar near you :grin:


Is there some competition with the Christmas day one to see which wins.

Ha! NEVER…there should be no competition in iSpot, only a desire to gather as many observations as reasonable. And they should not be rushed, always showing the subject in a most useful way and never without descriptive notes and a little user investigation; nor ever with a single photo, unless otherwise impossible.
The nature of iSpot is Observing, IDing, Commenting and Educating.

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New Year’s Day forecast here is iffy - 50% chance of rain and gusty winds. But it will be fun to try and see a few things. My hope is to make a couple of records of things that I haven’t posted before - it’s a bit boring putting up blue tits each time.

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Would not be boring if blue tits were next species to be hammered by bird flu, the ‘last sightings’ would be very important. At least this is one of the thoughts I have when recording the same thing from the same place at some later date.

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An interesting thought there re bird flu.
It’ll be good to get as many iSpotters as possible engaged with the matter of observing on NY day. For some, circumstances might dictate more straightforward, shall we say, observations such as the birds at the feeder. Others might find the urge to blow away the cobwebs and observe while on a walk strong, no matter what the weather!

Let’s hope the weather lets us all get out there if we possibly can. :umbrella: :sunny: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

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a REAL success Maggie - thanks
Previous :heart: iFocals are a huge tribute to the commitment


still going strong but needs MUCH more support.
One of the most useful aspects is finding errors and problems
For example, everyone could help by reporting pictureless and descriptionless Observations

Or the five Orphans here Pica pica pica | Species Dictionary | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature

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Last few days
Don’t miss the opportunity be linked-in

You’ve still time to add an agreement or comment, though the Focus finished yesterday https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/view/project/857057/ifocus-corvidae
Preview removed

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And rather excellent! Own device issues have affected participation in last couple of days :frowning:

:sparkles: iBlitz: Spring Equinox 2023 FINISHED :sparkles:

Check it out here, there’s another in the Autumn and at Christmas

What a good haul of observations for what was for many, a wet day - and it was a Monday into the bargain. I was so glad to be able to pass the spring baton to Jane, who carried it like the wind, as I was away in the run-up. And though Jane (NT) was away immediately the Equinox began, collectively several iSpotters kept up the interest till she returned. Well done all.

I so agree with the ‘good haul’, Mags - all fabulous. Pleased I could step in but disappointed that my own interactions with the project were minimal following the van breaking down, which curtailed everything for me!
Husband is just finishing the charts for final input in a mo.

We had visitors round so not much chance of getting out.

Yes, there are real limitations to a one day shot. But hope you enjoy reviewing some of what was spotted on the day!

:heart:FOCUSSING on sand
Join us here https://www.ispotnature.org/communities/uk-and-ireland/view/project/859793/sub-habitat-sand-