Work and play observations

‘We’ are looking for Observations that fit the brief here

If you make one, or find one in iSpot, please leave a note here
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They’re few and far between.I found one of Bens. I’m sure he has more.

One from the recent bio blitz.
Child holding a Slow worm
Puzzling over a Mazegill


Got the message in a bottle (actually in pear tree observation). Very willing to help if I can. Now have to do my homework for Alliance Francaise (on Zoom since March of course and haven’t been out of this country either! No complaints, all well which is the main thing). So will get to this later or tomorrow afternoon, I’ll need to read through a few comments I think.

I think I understand from the title of the project what is wanted. Agree with HB, there are some observations from Ben with a lovely child, and I have several which relate to ranger work (my part-time seasonal second career after retiring!) and to field weekends for a university course I completed a couple of years ago - and maybe other stuff too. One thing I am conscious of is ‘model release’ as I believe it’s known, anyone in pics would need to have agreed or better still be cropped or angled to be unidentifiable?

Yes best to get permission of the people if there are clearly recognisable people in the picture, this is particularly important with children so need to ask parents before posting pictures with them in. The idea is to show ispotters in action so it does not necessarily need to show the face but rather what they are doing e.g. looking at a plant.

Thanks for those (and your subtle hints in my tracker!).
You will see I have added an invitation.
I have a feeling we MIGHT have to add our own new Observations to fit this brief, as some we find will belong to users who have left (slow worm is one).
I am not certain we can ADD the tag without permission (only Mike can do that anyway). This means only observations from active users (who look at their Tracker) will get and respond to invitations. Best for a few of us to set the scene, maybe without showing faces. Maybe the ones I have added already are reasonable ‘models’ but no-one is saying!
The project is hiding at the moment with only a little publicity. If people think (and SAY!) this is a reasonable Idea I can bring it to the top of the Recent Projects List on the home page.

Yes, thanks. I have so many photos of the backs of kids’ heads for those reasons, but wanted to highlight that issue.

You define the criteria well!

Why don’t I know how to do replies properly? !!

I have several observations that fit this brief and will add some and you can see how it looks. Have had some time out but will get back into it, urgent-making-of-Christmas-presents-permitting…

That reply is fine. You have added some nice Observations. Take care to show PEOPLE at work&play - a casual hand or Quadrat frame in the pic may not be to the brief. This though is up to the Curation Team

Photo 2 might qualify?

Yes. I agree, the one pic is enough to qualify, but the project is not working as I would like.
Obs have been added that do not fulfil the current fairly tight brief.
I fear brief-creep.
I want to see iSpotters right in the thick of it, right to the fore, doing the things we like to do and actually IN the photos (without faces if necessary). It may be a dream too far but once ‘watered’ down it will be too weak to sustain.
I would DEARLY like some support or comment

The project did not catch our imagination, so I have taken it off the Project List (Home Page). It still exists
here -
and will be promoted again

A possible contender for consideration. User is still active

“Old small tree with character”
I enjoyed the time I spent investigating the tree and adding agreements to the other obs. - thanks
I am not completely certain about work&play. But we REALLY need submissions.
One more vote, from anyone, and I will ask for the tag.

K. Check out the most recent observation of *Piptoporus betulinus. It might be a contender.

Yes please. Mags and I have OKd it
MORE please (removed LINK (8 visits))

Check out yesterday’s observation of Galanthus nivalis , your neighbour but one on the carousel. And, this one from years ago dependant on your criteria for including photo of a child.


Possible contender for I-spotter at PLAY

Brilliant, yes of course meets the criteria. Belated note here


A maybe!