Challenging and/or interesting plant observations

Since it’s harder to follow all plant observations than it was, I wondering whether it’s worth a thread where the “experts” can post the observations worthy of more attention, so these can be addressed. My Myosotis ramosissima only got the one agreement, and I didn’t that it was that hard. The same for the sterile Cardamine hirsuta.

To us vascular plant people perhaps most bryophytes are hard, but snakewort (perhaps) is sufficiently rarely recorded to be of interest, so I’ll start the thread off with that.

I think that’s a good idea. I would also welcome a way to tag posts to flag them for expert opinion. Sadly there are fewer experts looking at posts now, in plants at least.

Doronicum - and I suspect one of the rarer taxa. There’s a reasonable chance that it’s identifiable if you open up Stace. (I’m just off to the shops and to try and identify a Chaenomeles to species.)

If you cheat and rely on the BSBI maps database it’s Doronicum x excelsum.

Linking them to this thread would have the effect of flagging them for expert attention.


Is it? I am not certain, because whenever I post a plant, it is commented on or agreed to almost immediately.
Below the Recents Carousel is a Plants Icon, that does it for the most recent 49. we can’t use a Next button because there ain’t one!
Anyway it is a good idea, I tried it with Seaweeds SEAWEEDS and SEAPLANTS
Only the _glorious pair _ took it up!
Your Conocephalum salebrosum has Other Obs with agreements - always a good sign.
Linking them here[quote=“lavateraguy, post:4, topic:547”]
would have the effect of flagging them [/quote] may not be as successful as you would want - I’d be interested to know how many people are registered for the Forum - not very many?

Don’t forget there are two Projects running as well with 1732 Mysteries
and with a further 822 UnIDd

This post of a tree has been languishing in Other Organisms since 2015, it would be good if someone could identify it…

We have over 2000 new identifications in the last month on the southern African observations migrated from iSpot to iNaturalist. Someone needs to update these on iSpot: the southern African data are fast becoming obsolete and an embarrassment. Fortunately, the iSpot data dont seem to be getting into GBIF, like the iNaturalist data, but some are showing up on Google searches.

Tony, the SA Obs are an embarrassment because you have abandoned them. Everyone appreciates WHY you left but not the manner in which you have done it.
No one is in any doubt that you are getting fulfillment in the Other Place. Can you please consider starting a new Thread here for your purposes - we will all see it. This one was started in good faith by lavateraguy.

Crowfoot. Identified by the observer by locality. I’m not sure that there’s enough in the photograph to identify it beyond Ranunculus subg. Batrachium.

How about a “rare and interesting plant” project? Is there any way to develop a tag that would enable such finds to be bundled together? I think that could work for one’s own observations, but not when you see something very interesting posted by someone else (the recent Bunias being a case in point)

Have done all I can with ‘Europe’ - and I will tackle most things Plant, as you know. A lot of them are Tony’s holiday snaps, and really not possible to take to species as not zoomed in sufficiently.

The Help with IDs project contains some hopeless cases, and some taxa ‘misfiled’ as plants, but I will have another run through at some point - a lot of things in here just need to be formally identified to family as it will not be possible to get them to species.

OK - that’s done. It is now a plant.

I began, at the start of this year, to try to take an interest in his GPS Tagged journeys
There are several ways to deal with them.
The iSpot-ethic way Indicator Grass of disturbance | Observation | Global | iSpot Nature
Or be more direct - Grass | Observation | Global | iSpot Nature

Thank you! I’m still working through some of the Other Organisms and find myself coming back to this 2015 post of a plant - could you have a look and add an ID to change the group?

I have tried…I even tried changing the ID to Plants myself, but to no avail.

A few things here - the value of the Forum for such things. If only we were more structured and better supported.
Experts - worth their weight in Gold
And Helen1, a bright, shining star!

Another plant (2014) from Miked’s Other Organisms project. Anyone able to offer an identification beyond my plant? Thank you.

What a good idea; we (few?) can follow this forum topic easily.
For your Starter, Lavateraguy, I’m getting a 404; has it been removed? Or is it a temporary blip?

It seems to have gone. (And search is finding exactly zero observations of snakewort.)