Gremlins againnnn

Programmers are still working on it but don’t have anything to update yet. They have tried quite a number of things but it has not helped, everything should be running fine according to the capacity of the system but clearly something is going wrong.

Many thanks for the update: what about putting something like that - perhaps expanded somewhat - on the iSpot home page so that all users know what’s happening rather than just those following this thread?

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yes, we all know you must be trying - thanks
Ian is right, something bold on the home page but maybe not the Lingering Obtrusive Banner. (LOB)
perhaps go over and replace some of the quite OUTdated material

Derek, on this occasion the obtrusive banner might be useful and I’d guess that the team might be keen not to allow it to linger any longer than strictly necessary.

A fix is currently being worked on, they are trying a particular thing that may speed things up a lot, but not got a timescale for when it will be ready as not being done but the usual programmers. will put up a story when we know a bit more, probably later today.

Thank you. [and extra characters]

yes, I must agree @mike ?.
Honest though it is really nice, just now, when the site is running almost at its worst, to see a few people sticking it out (users online). I am inspired by the stickabilty here, even the return of someone long missed and by the willingness to engage, promote and support, even write complex and interesting projects. Editing and filtering is the pits!
We all know that Admin MUST be doing the best they can and that, in the end, soon we hope, we will be back to near normal
I have been VERY critical of the way things has been done or not done recently but underneath that is my love for and commitment to the site. I cannot escape.
4:30 - welcome to Damian (admin)

Several things have been done in background this afternoon which should improve things but not sure they have so further work may be needed. Chris will probably comment more Friday and we will produce news story about the issues.

Thanks for the update. Sadly the changes tracker is still not working: a long delay before displaying the “No changes available” message.

For me it has got back to as fast as I would expect for a site of this complexity.

My changes tracker is back this morning
Thanks in advance for "…a news story "

We’re still working on it. The tracking site we use to watch the servers and report response times still shows the site working slower than it was at the end of last month so we’re not out of the woods yet.

We’ve made a cache change to the database server which appears to have made a significant difference. Fingers cross!

Many thanks @Chris_Valentine. That reflects my experience this morning: the site is working again, including the Changes Tracker, but it does seem a little sluggish.

Thanks to everyone who’s trying to sort the issues out, it is much better today for me, although still a bit slow and uploading images is taking a really long time. However, the updates on what’s being done are really welcome as even though it’s a given that people will be trying to sort it out, it’s good to have that confirmed. I’m a relatively new user but already really value the site, so experiencing issues has actually made me realise that even more.

We’re finding that its really slow if you build complex queries - for example the more parameters you add to filters in an Observations list page, it makes it exponentially slower.

Spoke too soon. Changes Tracker is rather hit or miss: sometimes slow, sometimes times out.

Wondering if this is worse than those ‘dark days’ we had when Tony and co jumped ship to cross the Atlantic - I can’t put a finger on what is actually non-functional, things keep changing. Very depressing - iSpot has always been an escape for me - hope things get well soon!

Would this be why the Map was lost when I checked out a Project?
I know I’ve been adding more tags recently, but I find them very useful to avoid duplicating observation entries.

The site has gone very slow again. I’m beginning to feel as if I’m wading through mud as often as not to make use of iSpot. Sorry to say it, but I’m not surprised if the number of visitors is decreasing. Such a shame as there is so much potential.

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