November 2021 News

For Fungi Fans
A nice Country Diary today
A frightful fungus worthy of an Edgar Allan Poe tale


Loved this - so well written - have passed it on to a Fungus Friend gaby who posts on iSpot ZA

Brilliant, marlandza! Phil Gates is one of my faves, alongside Paul Evans. Click on his name in the article to see some of his other CD’s. J

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the mention of Gaby is worth repeating
with 1471 observations

Thanks dejayM I was about to do this - following up on my Changes Tracker which hasn’t been operating for a few days. Not sure if I’ve done something to change the filters.
Recently found this site which may be useful for agreements

Let us know if the changes tracker is not working as the code was modified a few days ago. You may need to clear your cache on the computer and login again to make sure all the new code is working.

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Mine has twice “glitched” on Android, last night I had the same issue as Odd behaviour tonight

That bee article was very annoying as it was published before the DNA results are in and they may say it is nonsense or may say it is even more interesting.

But these days you can’t afford to wait to publish, as someone else may muscle in

Record number of species (5) grafted on a single stock reported. (There are reports of a huge number of apple varieties grafted on a single tree.) There is scope for adding other species - such as Chinese plum (Prunus salicina), American plum (Prunus americana), Japanese apricot (Prunus mume), sour cherry (Prunus cerasus) and cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera).

A bit of digging finds also finds 40 Prunus on a single tree

Another way of getting a lot of species on a single trunk would be to graft multiple ornamental crab species on a suitable stock.

Also a potato tuber weighing over a pound.

Big changes are interesting but is there any long term data to tell if these changes have happened before i.e. compare to climate change evidence which can be deduced over thousands and millions of years. Perhaps diseases have caused big changes in populations many times.
The big changes in farming are clearly affecting some species but it is less clear for house sparrows as their populations might have been very high due to humans creating ideal conditions for them and now making those conditions less ideal.

I thought this a promising scheme.


Which other businessmen would be subsidised to do something that’s absolutely fundamental to the success of their products? It will be based on acreage, so the big enterprises (who appear to be the main “offenders”) will benefit most.
Rant over. Sorry.

Quite! I know for certain where I am that this doesn’t mean the 50 acres next to me will improve. There are no worms in the field (I know, I’ve dug). They are all in my garden and in my lane under clumps of grass in the middle.

“Under the old CAP, farmers received between £2bn and £3bn a year. Subsidies were at first maintained at £2.4bn a year after Brexit but will be reduced to £900m by the end of this parliament.”
Presumably what people who voted for Brexit were hoping for.

Politics is a dangerous subject, but it always puzzled me why so many farmers were avid “leavers”.
Locally, the main “crop” seems to be selling land off for building