If you’re still going in a year’s time you could look for volunteers for winter-flowering Viburnum (January), Galanthus (late February), Crocus (early March), and Viola odorata (late March). Other March possibilities are Mahonia, Erophila, Cardamine (bitter cresses) and Adoxa.
New Focus
Preview removed by me!
I was a bit surprised I could only put on 9 B.discolor photos. I had to take one out. I’ve just checked your own Love Seeds and there are 11 in total. Hmmm…
We are allowed only ten illustration in projects…
If you add the tenth and then try to Edit you may not be able to Save until you remove one.
Save/Edit/add the tenth/redo all the HTM formatting/Save.
Cool eh?
The same issue apples to the 15th illustration (max) in Observations
My Love Seeds Observation is allowed 15 - I usually max out at 14 to save hassle
My Love Seed project has only eight
Ta - I supposed these things are meant to try us!
If we’re struggling, I’ll try another.
Support the fortnightly iFocus. Check the Project Panel on the Home Page
It was great having you join me in my trip down iSpot memory lane in this iFOCUS project, I really enjoyed it so glad you did too!
If you haven’t had the chance to view it you still can. Go to: iSpot@12 - some highlights from 12 years of iSpotnature.org activity | Project | UK and Ireland | iSpot Nature. Although the iFOCUS highlight has been removed from the title, the project will remain live so do feel free to revisit (add it to your Favourites) and tag any observation you would like to highlight with iSpot@12.
We are encouraged by your initiative and support and just to reassure you we will be building on the momentum from this. This project is just the start of some of the things we will be sharing as well as inviting you to join in with over the coming months!
A delightfully (for the most part) choice!
A further impetus to log on daily: a further lure to spend time internetting and referring to increasingly elderly texts. dejayM may be an Orcadian agent of the devil, offering such temptations: well, salvation has probably been off the table for man a long year.
yep, that’s me.
we MUST find a way to stop these Observations (some are EXCELLENT) from dropping off the Home Page.
Admin needs to take an interest and listen to my regular pleas for a small team of named and appointed volunteers (Assistant Curators) who STOP them dropping off after their three week rightwards journey. I Volunteer for a six month stint.
An encouraging comment, High taxa, Deletion - anything.
By the time they drop off, most of the users have left and, in any case, have no idea what the tracker is for.
I MIGHT have said enough about this.
Here’s one that deserves more
Agree - topic seems to be one where iSpotters share uncertainty but not too many making changes/comments/agreements. Maybe it’s actually not that easy? Will try to drum up more interest.
Any views on an Autumn Equinox Bioblitz WEEKLY iFocus - how many species/observations can we make over a period of a few days either side of equinox??? I cannot lead on this as I’ll be away (I hope!!) without big screen. We’ve had unusual weather across the season so it could be interesting to see what people are posting using a particular tag. Any thoughts? M
I am finding this one difficult. That’s not a criticism - quite the opposite! But it is difficult to contribute, rather than just browse.
Yes, it is definitely not easy, at least not for me!
One of the things it points up for me is that if an observation of an organism I know little about (!!!) is posted with no sources linked re ID nor with any ID notes then I may tend to walk on by…since I’d need to go and locate a source to be able to contribute. I think that’s why some have so few agreements. An example might be this from Ade:
Since that little pup is white it’s a Grey!
the iFocus series are supposed to be short mini-blitzes.
I am not so certain we should hang on to them after their allotted time (of a fortnight) but it’s worth more discussion. I will lead that discussion when the time is right. We have been running almost non stop for 25 editions
iFoci are of great value to iSpot but not, it seems, to the Community.
I watch them closely, VERY few users are contributing.
It may be best to keep them simple and very easy to embrace.
I feel, just personal, that a broader Autumnal iBlitz would have a place but a different one to iFocus.
I suspect Admin might give stronger support.
It’s 22 Sept, we could end the iFocus two days before (I can ask Barbara) and you could run well into my booking. I am ALL for it!
Oh, I missed this bit "I cannot lead on this as I’ll be away". Shall I set up the First iBlitz then? Beginning 20th?
Yes, I follow the thinking here. Different name, different symbol but familiar concept of bioblitz. Spread across a few days would allow those with other commitments at the equinox to contribute.
It’s generous of you to offer, that would be great. Others may want to take the reins here, I don’t know.
Re SEALS iFocus: I will end this on Wednesday evening as I’ll be on the move on Thursday and Friday.
OK I will pick it up - let us test the water for a few seasonal or international-day iBlitzes.
Between iFocus ones.
It’s UK Fungus Day on 2nd October.
Re IFocus. “I am not so certain we should hang on to them after their allotted time (of a fortnight) but it’s worth more discussion.”
I only kept mine because Admin asked us to keep the comment trails?
You (me/anyone) could insert a DayiBlitz
It would be a good opportunity to test short Blitzes
I HAVE put the day in the iFocus Guide and will ask Admin to publicise it